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Dual use LCD Screen - Two-line display allows for inputs to be displayed while calculating the solution and then have information side-by-side to reduce mistakes.Over 200 Integrated Functions - Including percentages, trigonometry, 24 parentheses levels, summation, regressions, fractions, regressions, and permutations/combinatorics.Aibecy Scientific Calculator Counter 240 Functions 2 Line LCD Display Business Office Middle High School Student SAT/AP Test Calculate - Vibration and orange color key input confirmationĤ.- The number of bits based on the configuration of the conversion.- Configurable decimal separator, the grouping separator.- Floating point, fixed point, scientific and engineering view.- Arithmetic, inverse trigonometric, exponential trigonometric functions, logarithmic function, power, power root function, factorial, and forgiveness.- Memories of main memory and six variables.- Decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal.- Keyboard dedicated smartphone or tablet.- The result is shown when entering the formula.- It is simple, easy to use and well developed.